RAG sold Michel Mineralölhandel GmbH to Total Elf Fina Deutschland GmbH

We advised in this transaction

HSCie Customer

RAG Saarberg AG, Saarbrücken, Germany
RAG Saarberg is part of RAG AG, Essen, an industrial conglomerate in the Ruhr region with core activities in energy, chemicals, mining and real estate.

Companies involved

Total Fina Elf Germany GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Total Germany is the German branch of the international Total oil conglomerate.


Sale of company shares in Michel Mineralölhandel GmbH, Duisburg, to Total Fina Elf Germany GmbH. Michel is a national trade company for petroleum and heating oil.


HSCie advised on the search for a buyer, valuation and due diligence, and conducted the negotiations.

Year: 2002
Transaction value: Not published
Industry: Trade
Business field: Mergers & Acquisitions

Further Transactions